Resources, Information, Inspiration

At the beginning...Diagnosed, now what?
What is cancer? This might seem like a silly question.
But do you really know what cancer is and how long humans have been dealing with this malady?
Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee
Cancer research and support organizations in Aotearoa.
Cancer Society NZFind your local Cancer Society and go visit! Excellent resources, supportive care nurses, support groups, and volunteers.
Te Aho o Te Kahu - Cancer Control Agency
Cancer Research Trust of New Zealand Non government research trust. Excellent source of information on research being done in New Zealand.
Cancer Support - Healthpoint NZ
Integrative and Lifestyle Cancer Support
Ripple An app that offers a mobile, 24/7 cancer support service.
Petrea King - Quest for Life
Shannon Harvey Health Journalist
Producer of excellent films and podcasts about health and mindfulness. Very inspiring.
Cancer survivor and well-known Australian who pioneered integrative and lifestyle medicine for those diagnosed with cancer. His books and teachings have inspired many.
Australian Integrative Medicine Ass - AIMA
Bruce Lipton - Biology of Belief
Chris Wark - Diagnosed with stage IIIc colon cancer in 2003. After surgery, Chris opted out of chemo and used nutrition and natural therapies to heal.
Inspiring Stories of Hope
In 2020 RNZ interviewed a number Kiwis living with cancer as well as some of our Aratika Trustees.
Listen to their stories.
Kehukehu Butler 'My Cancer is my Mokai (Pet)'
Greg Taipari 'Knowledge is Power'
Claire Taipari 'Own Your Story'
Poihaere Knight 'Rogue Friend Cancer'
Aratika Cancer Trust 'Empowering People to Live Well'
Further Podcasts and Personal Stories
The coolest club you never want to be a part of....The team on the You, Me & the Big C podcast are your BFF’s, your sisters, brothers, fathers and mothers. A candid look at cancer, with Steve Bland, Deborah James and Lauren Mahon.
Talking Cancer- Macmillan Cancer Support
Radio DJ Emma B meets people living with and affected by cancer for honest conversations over a cuppa. Expect real experiences from people who understand
what you’re going through, plus useful advice and information from Macmillan
Life with ABC - Advanced Breast Cancer
"A diagnosis of advanced breast cancer is like a bomb going off. It calls absolutely everything into question.” – Four women speak frankly about their thoughts and feelings, covering work, guilt, family - and hope. Subsequent podcasts follow.
Personal Stories of those affected by Bowel Cancer
Read the personal stories of New Zealanders living with bowel cancer, and their families and supporters Young people | Age 50+ | Family perspective | Videos | Health professionals | Hope | Share your story
Personal Stories of those affected by Blood Cancer
A blood cancer diagnosis can be life-changing, not just for the patient but for the family and friends who love them. Read their stories here.
The Brain Tumour Support. NZ brain box is the 'must have' support kit for people with a new primary brain tumour diagnosis and their carers.
The Cancer Society of NZ - 'Coping with Cancer' video sessions
A series of videos that provide information about coping with cancer. Each topic covers a common challenge faced by people with cancer or by their supporters. The videos are recordings of webinars that were delivered live and are around one hour long.
We have an Aratika lending library. Some of these books are available for loan or you can inter-loan online.